Christian Moms: Increase Brain Function and Spiritual Health


How many hats do we as Christian women really wear? Moms, wives, daughters, sisters, friends... and our desire to do them "right" while keeping an eye on selfcare is enough to rattle any of us! Every school year or summer season we tell ourselves, this time I will be more organized, make time to plan better meals, volunteer in the classroom more, have more patience with the kids, etc. We are all in this together and God has our back!

During this seminar, we will answer the following questions:

How does increasing brain function help to navigate changes in family, at work, at home while feeling in control and aligned with my faith? What does it mean to have Spiritual health and how can increase it in a manageable way to create more peace in my life? 

Sunday September 8th, 11:30 - 1:30

Location: St. Gabriel Catholic Church, Poway - Room C5

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How many hats do we as Christian women really wear? Moms, wives, daughters, sisters, friends... and our desire to do them "right" while keeping an eye on selfcare is enough to rattle any of us! Every school year or summer season we tell ourselves, this time I will be more organized, make time to plan better meals, volunteer in the classroom more, have more patience with the kids, etc. We are all in this together and God has our back!

During this seminar, we will answer the following questions:

How does increasing brain function help to navigate changes in family, at work, at home while feeling in control and aligned with my faith? What does it mean to have Spiritual health and how can increase it in a manageable way to create more peace in my life? 

Sunday September 8th, 11:30 - 1:30

Location: St. Gabriel Catholic Church, Poway - Room C5

How many hats do we as Christian women really wear? Moms, wives, daughters, sisters, friends... and our desire to do them "right" while keeping an eye on selfcare is enough to rattle any of us! Every school year or summer season we tell ourselves, this time I will be more organized, make time to plan better meals, volunteer in the classroom more, have more patience with the kids, etc. We are all in this together and God has our back!

During this seminar, we will answer the following questions:

How does increasing brain function help to navigate changes in family, at work, at home while feeling in control and aligned with my faith? What does it mean to have Spiritual health and how can increase it in a manageable way to create more peace in my life? 

Sunday September 8th, 11:30 - 1:30

Location: St. Gabriel Catholic Church, Poway - Room C5