There are many paths to get to where we are called to be, so there are options for our clients to design a path that works best for them.


Individual Consulting Sessions

You are unique and so is your purpose. Sometimes the noise of life and what we “should” be doing gets jumbled and we lose our peace and direction. Individual sessions can help bring you in alignment with your purpose and get you to your goals faster and more fulfilled. We will explore your personal, professional and/or spiritual life and give you practical guidance to master new life skills. (Consulting plans may include LENS Neurofeedback)

Some of these skills may include:

  • Emotional Intelligence

  • Goal setting

  • Time Management

  • Becoming a better leader

  • Having difficult conversations … with successful outcomes

  • Dealing with difficult people

  • Finding and/or deepening your faith

Call for a complimentary 30 min appointment to discover what we can do for you, working together!

Private Group Workshops

Combining some of the insights of what you would learn in the professional development group with the self discovery of individual sessions, we offer private group consulting sessions. It is amazing what can transpire when you bring together a group of colleagues or friends and delve into the understanding of who you are and how to appreciate each person’s strengths for the group.

We discuss: Learning to live in alignment with one’s values, emotional intelligence, time management, stress management, and living and leading virtuously.

Group workshops are 2.5 hours or 4 hours with LENS session

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Brain Optimization - LENS Therapy

Our brains are beautiful! However, when they are hurt we can begin to notice anxiety, memory issues, symptoms of ADHD and other barriers that do not allow us to work to our potential.

At work, sometimes we are just making it through the day, trying to stay focused on tasks and working effectively. At home, our relationships are strained, we notice outbursts that surprise us… or they’ve been something we’ve always struggled with. In any case, there is a way to allow our brains to work more optimally and help self-correct the symptoms of many diagnosis through LENS (low energy nuero-feedback), usually in a relatively short period of time.

Please go to our LENS page here for more information

Professional Development Groups

Looking to improve your professional life?

This exclusive group meets weekly for 9 weeks, to address and find solutions to the concerns that are limiting your happiness and success at work.

We will show you how to practice working and leading with virtues. This mini-course begins with identifying your strengths, and learning how to leverage them for success. Topics addressed are those that are brought to the table by members. Some recurring topics include: dealing with difficult peers, bosses or subordinates, managing emotions at work, time management, lack of motivation and communication.

Benefits to Joining

  • Small supportive group

  • Collaborative, solution-oriented environment to find answers to your challenges at work

  • Understand your own strengths

  • Build strong, professional relationships

Call 858-753-5455 or email to register